9 Benefits of media marketing to grow your business

The value of media marketing

Over the course of my almost two decades of running the local candy store I was lucky enough to learn early on the value and the power of the media. Everyone thinks media is FREE. That is a misnomer. Being featured on the news is not FREE, there are costs associated with it. In my opinion the benefits greatly outweigh the costs.

Media Marketing made me legend of sorts

I owned a confectionery business with a focus on branded chocolate corporate gifts.  My business was featured both locally and nationally. My business and I made appearances on the radio, in print and on the local and national news. I had more than my 15 minutes of fame. Sure many times I was dressed as Willy Wonky but  I was a legend in my own and the minds of my kids.

Media marketing increases brand awareness

With the media exposure, I increased brand awareness both locally and nationally. When the pieces aired, these efforts led to spike in sales depending on the media source and ultimately several new customer who became raving fans.

Media marketing is not FREE

Being featured on the news is not FREE, there are costs associated with it. In my opinion the benefits greatly outweigh the costs. The costs to make media marketing work required a great deal of work, imagination, and money. The costs included keeping the business painted to a TV level of cleanliness as opposed to health code, branded attire for myself and the staff, swag for the reporters, custom chocolate molds, (specific for my industry), the use of a PR firm, and most importantly my time.  I felt that the money spent was a good investment especially when compared  to the return I received when I spent money on TV and radio ads.

9 Benefits of media marketing

  1. Increased Visibility: News coverage can bring attention to you, your brand, or your cause, increasing your visibility to a wider audience.
  2. Credibility and Authority: Appearing in respectable news sources can help you build your authority and credibility in your sector.
  3. Publicity and Promotion: Getting your message, product, or service in front of prospective clients or supporters is a free form of publicity.
  4. Opportunity for Growth: Good news coverage has the power to draw in new clients, alliances, and funding, which can spur further development and expansion.
  5. Validation and Trust: A news article praising your efforts or accomplishments gives your audience, clients, or stakeholders more faith and confidence.  
  6. Networking and Connections: Networking opportunities with other professionals, influencers, or organizations in your industry can be facilitated by news coverage.  
  7. Impact and Influence: News articles have the power to sway public opinion and alter perceptions, giving you the chance to spread crucial messages or promote causes you support.
  8. SEO and Online Presence: Your online presence and search engine rankings can be enhanced by news articles that mention you or your brand. This will increase traffic to your website and social media accounts.
  9. Personal and Professional Development:
    Being in the news can be a great learning opportunity for both professional and personal growth, allowing you to hone your communication and messaging abilities.

Examples of some of the media marketing that I have done

Image of using media marketing

Media marketing can build a business

I truly believe that when done well media marketing can build your business.  Some businesses can take advantage of the media to promote themselves around holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day. While other businesses can leverage the media to become recognized experts on a subject matter. Being a guest on a podcast or featured as part by a YouTube video also brings a level of legitimacy to a business.
I am Your Virtual Professional is not a PR firm. I specialize in Small Business Consulting Services. I can work with you and your team to create a strategy and then bring a PR firm to execute it.
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