Unleash Success with Small Business Consulting Services

David Levine – I am Your Virtual Professional

Getting to know David Levine

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Thank you for visiting. Depending on how you landed here you might be asking Who is David Levine and what does he do? I am your virtual professional. My years of experience in multiple industries from high tech to government and eventually running my own business make me the perfect person to help your business grow because I know what you are feeling because I have been there.  I will take my years of experience and blend it with my ongoing quest for knowledge to help you  build your business and improve your quality of life.


Small business consulting services  that help small business owners with the following issues:

After running a small business for almost two decades and networking with countless other small business owners I know firsthand and from my peers the issues a small business owner faces. We all experienced some of the following:

  • not enough time in the day 
  • not having the skills to complete a task
  • unable to afford another salaried position
  • excellent at what they do but need help with marketing, business development or project management
  • feeling  overwhelmed
  • feeling  exhausted maybe even burned out

If you feel any of the above then I am Your Virtual professional and I can help you, by offering you my small business consulting services that focuses on helping small businesses owned and operated by  solopreneurs and entrepreneurs .

Helping small business owners complete projects

“If I could clone myself, I could … ” Was a common refrain among the small business owners I networked with, especially during our busy seasons.

“If only there were four more hours in a day” was another sentiment I heard from small business owners.

What if the day was longer or if you could clone yourself?

We all know that you can’t clone yourself, not even with fancy AI tools and once a year when we do get an extra hour with daylight saving time all it does is mess up our circadian rhythms.

So what if there was another alternative? 

What if you were able to bring in a professional with years of experience who would care as much about your business as you do? 

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Someone you could hand off a project or daily tasks to and it would get it done. Maybe not exactly like you would have done it but done correctly and the first time.

Projects and tasks that include maintaining or creating spreadsheets, creating deck presentations, or projects that include customer servicedigital marketingwebsite content management, and short videos for your website or your social media. These are projects that I have done myself and have helped clients with.

As a virtual professional, I am part of your team and wear whatever hat you need to be worn but only when you need it to be worn so as not to incur the added expense of a full-time salary.

Your utility team player

Baseball has a position on every team – the unsung hero the utility infielder. He is moved around the field and fills a role as needed. I can be your business’s virtual utility infielder. I can help grow your business and your quality of life. As a virtual professional, I can be your:

As your virtual professional, I will be a team player with the sole goal of improving your business. I will help grow your business and your quality of life.  I work with you  to create effective strategies to grow you business.

I listen to your concerns, I listen to your needs and what your goals are. then I  work with you to find the most cost-effective way to achieve those goals. I understand that small businesses have tight budgets as I am a small business owner too. I work with my clients to find cost-effective solutions to achieve those goals.  For many of my clients, I have helped them with digital marketing as part of their goal of growing their business.

Digital marketing for the small  business

Research shows irrespective of the study, a business is more likely to experience a return on investment when it targets a particular demographic. Digital marketing campaigns can target particular groups of people with their marketing budgets who could be potential customers. I work with my clients to create effective campaigns tailored to their goals. 

Customer service to grow a small business

Managing the expectations of the client is how I define customer service, which is different from many other individuals I speak with.  I work with my clients to help them follow this same methodology of not only managing the customer expectations but for the customer experience to be part of their company ethos. Excellent customer service is a guaranteed way to grow any business regardless if size.

Project management helps small businesses succeed

According to the Project Management Institute – “Project management is the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to deliver something of value to people.” Project management is the foundation of a successful project. A team must first identify the deliverable, or ultimate goal, and then devise a strategy for achieving it. I work with my clients to create a plan on how to ensure successful completion of a project regardless of the size. 

Business development makes your business grow

Having a solid product is not enough to grow a business. You also need great branding, project management, exceptional customer service, marketing campaigns, and sometimes even media attention. I work with my clients to grow and develop their businesses by creating a strategy that blends together these ideas.

I am Your Virtual Professional will add value to your business

Several years back I read an interesting article on Business Wire. It was titled $1 Million Wasted Every 20 Seconds by Organizations around the World.

The article cited a few interesting statistics — around one in three projects (31%) do not meet their goals and nearly half (48%) of projects are not completed on time.

Based on those statistics how much money are you leaving on the table or even worse losing?

I am Your Virtual Professional who will help you and your organization grow by being your virtual utility professional a member of your team who provides solutions for your businesses.

If you are a small business owner be it a by solopreneur or an entrepreneur and are looking for help in growing your business or you feel like you are going nowhere fast either because you are missing deadlines or you are overwhelmed I can help you.

Nobody can have the same passion for your business as you do but I can guarantee that while I work with you I will have your back with the goal of creating raving fans and completing projects or tasks in time.

I look forward to the opportunity to talk to you.
