30 Powerful customer service tips, tricks, and strategies to elevate your  customer’s experience 

customer service tips, tricks, and strategies

Customer service tips — how to improve the backbone of your business

Customer service is the backbone of any successful business. In today’s competitive market, delivering exceptional customer experiences can mean the difference between thriving and merely surviving. Improving your customer service skills is crucial for building strong relationships, fostering loyalty, and driving business growth. Having a professional toolbox of customer service tips, tricks, and strategies, only improves your customer’s experience and your bottom line. 

Tony Hsieh the founder of Zappos said, “Customer service shouldn’t just be a department, it should be the entire company.”  Following that idea I have put together a list of 30 customer service tips, tricks and strategies so you and your team can deliver excellent customer service.

Verbal communication: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-1- Practice Active Listening:
In order to gain a genuine understanding of what your clients are saying, you should give them your complete attention and refrain from interrupting them. Active listening involves nodding, maintaining eye contact, and providing feedback to show that you are engaged and understanding their concerns.

-2- Use Positive Language:
Select words and phrases that express an approach that is helpful and focused on finding answers. Positive language can help in creating a constructive atmosphere and can turn potential issues into opportunities for improvement. For instance, instead of saying “I don’t know,” you can say, “Let me find out for you.”

-3- Speak Clearly and Confidently:

Make sure to enunciate your words, have a pleasant tone, and indicate that you are confident in your ability to provide assistance. Clear and confident communication helps in conveying your message effectively and builds trust with your clients. Avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly.

-4- Show Empathy Through Verbal Cues:

Use phrases like “I understand” to build rapport and show that you’re actively engaged. Empathy helps in creating a connection with your clients and makes them feel valued and understood. Phrases such as “I can see why you feel that way” or “That must be really frustrating” can also be effective.

-5- Explain Technical Terms:

If using industry jargon or technical terms, take the time to explain them clearly to ensure understanding. Breaking down complex information into simpler terms helps avoid confusion and ensures that your clients are fully informed. Use analogies or examples to make technical terms more relatable.

Nonverbal communication: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-6- Maintain Good Posture and Body Language:

Sit or stand upright to project confidence and attentiveness. Avoid crossing your arms, which can seem defensive, and lean slightly forward to show that you are engaged and interested in the conversation.

7-  Make Eye Contact:

Look at the customer when speaking and listening to convey that you are paying attention and genuinely interested in what they have to say. Appropriate eye contact helps build trust and rapport.

-8- Use Appropriate Facial Expressions:

Smile, nod, and use other positive expressions to create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Your facial expressions should match the tone of the conversation, showing empathy and understanding.

-9- Monitor Your Tone of Voice:

Ensure your tone is calm, friendly, and matches the message you’re trying to convey. A consistent, positive tone can help reassure and comfort the customer, making the interaction more pleasant.

-10-  Pay Attention to the Customer’s Body Language:

Observe their gestures, posture, and facial expressions for nonverbal cues about their emotional state. Being attuned to these signals can help you respond appropriately and adjust your communication style to better meet their needs.

Understanding customer needs: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-11- Ask Probing Questions:
Inquire about the customer’s specific needs, preferences, and expectations to gain a deeper understanding of their situation. This helps in tailoring your support to meet their exact requirements.

-12- Read Between the Lines:
Pay attention to nonverbal cues, tone, and body language to uncover any underlying concerns or emotions. This insight can help you address issues that the customer may not have explicitly stated.

-13- Anticipate Customer Needs:
Leverage your knowledge and experience to predict potential issues or requests. Being proactive in addressing these can enhance the customer experience and prevent future problems.

-14- Personalize Your Approach:
Treat each customer as an individual by remembering their preferences, purchase history, and previous interactions. Personalization demonstrates that you value them and are attentive to their unique needs.

-15- Stay Up-to-Date with Product/Service Knowledge:

Continuously educate yourself on your company’s offerings to provide accurate and relevant information. Being well-informed allows you to answer questions effectively and recommend the best solutions.

Problem-solving: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-16- Remain Calm and Composed:

Maintain a professional demeanor, even in challenging situations, to inspire confidence and trust in your ability to handle the issue effectively.

-17-  Identify the Root Cause:

Ask insightful questions to uncover the underlying issue behind the customer’s concern. Understanding the core problem is essential for finding an appropriate solution.

-18-  Think Creatively:

Consider unconventional solutions and be willing to think outside the box. Creative problem-solving can lead to the best resolutions and can impress customers with your resourcefulness.

-19-  Collaborate with Colleagues:

Leverage the expertise and knowledge of your team to address complex problems. Collaborative efforts often result in more comprehensive and effective solutions.

-20- Follow Up and Follow Through:

Ensure that the implemented solution addresses the customer’s needs fully. Follow up with the customer to confirm their satisfaction and to demonstrate your commitment to resolving their issue.

Handling difficult situations: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-20-  Remain Patient and Composed:

Diffuse tense situations by maintaining a calm and professional demeanor, which helps to de-escalate the customer’s frustration.

-21- Validate the Customer’s Feelings:

Acknowledge the customer’s frustrations or concerns to show empathy and understanding. Let them know their feelings are valid and heard.

-22- Offer Sincere Apologies:

Take responsibility for any mistakes or shortcomings, and apologize sincerely without making excuses. A heartfelt apology can go a long way in rebuilding trust.

-23-  Suggest Alternative Solutions:

If the initial resolution is unsatisfactory, propose alternative options or compromises. Providing multiple solutions can help in finding a mutually agreeable outcome.

-24-  Escalate When Necessary:

Recognize when to involve a supervisor or higher authority to resolve complex or escalating situations. Knowing when to escalate can prevent the issue from worsening and ensure a more effective resolution.

Customer loyalty and retention: customer service tips, tricks and strategies to provide excellent customer service

-26-  Exceed Expectations:

Aim to go above and beyond what is expected to create memorable and positive experiences for your customers. This can turn a satisfactory interaction into an exceptional one.

-27- Personalize Communication:

Tailor your language, tone, and approach to each customer’s unique preferences and personality. Personalization helps build a stronger, more personal connection.

-28- Show Appreciation:

Express gratitude for your customer’s business and loyalty through small gestures or tokens of appreciation. This reinforces their value to your company.

-29- Stay in Touch:
Follow up after a successful resolution to ensure continued satisfaction and maintain a strong relationship. Regular contact helps to reinforce customer loyalty.

-30- Seek Feedback:

Ask for honest feedback to identify areas for improvement and show your commitment to excellence. Listening to your customers demonstrates that you value their opinions and are dedicated to meeting their needs. 

How I am Your Virtual Professional can help your business deliver award winning customer service

One of the goals of I am You Virtual Professional, is to help your company deliver award-winning customer service. I can work with you to create procedures to help raise your current staffs’ customer service skills, and then either conduct online training or create training videos that will help your teams deliver award-winning customer service.

Currently, I am writing a book on this subject and preparing to offer a online class on Customer Service Training.